Nancy, Kentucky--- April 26, 2023, Nancy, Kentucky--- April 26, 2023. Craft’s Kitchen Table Tour continued and was her second visit to Pulaski County, being held at Lee’s Ford Marina, with the primary election on Tuesday, May 16, less than 21 days away. As a Kentucky and Pulaski County resident, I was invited to attend to hear what she had to say.
The audience came with questions and wanted Craft to explain what sets her apart to earn their vote over the 12 Republic candidates. The room was filled with retired schoolteachers, retired state employees, and government employees on all levels. Many concerned parents and community members from all over Pulaski County were in attendance.

Kelly Craft, a former ambassador to the United Nations and native of Kentucky, officially announced her candidacy for governor of the Bluegrass State back in September 2022. Craft is a passionate advocate for Kentucky and the well-being of its people. Her track record of success in the private and public sectors is a testament to her dedication and leadership skills.
Craft has successfully led coal industry companies as a businesswoman for many years. She also served as a member of the Kentucky State Fair Board and the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, demonstrating her commitment to public service.
Craft's top priorities if elected governor are job creation and economic growth. She aims to work closely with business leaders and entrepreneurs to attract new investment to the state and create new employment opportunities for Kentuckians. Furthermore, she is dedicated to improving education and healthcare in Kentucky, ensuring that all residents have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Craft is committed to protecting Kentucky's environment and natural resources. She believes that protecting the state's natural beauty is critical for both economic growth and the well-being of its residents. She did not expand on this issue last night but has been consistent in this position in other Kitchen table events.
Craft addressed her position on the “Wokeness” that has been a state and national issue. She was asked by those present about the Gender Identity Confusion that is being experienced by many of today's children. One point Craft made is that under her administration, the focus on mental health is to provide resources to those “students” who have questions and concerns about their identity. Not indoctrination, but an education, so students and their parents can make informed decisions about what is right for them. The decline in test scores, increased violence in the state's school system, and the lack of adequate education programs that are evidence-based and improve test scores.
The Kentucky Department of Education has failed in its mission “To partner with districts, schools, families, students, business, industry, and communities to provide leadership and support to ensure success for every student. Instead, they have moved toward indoctrination of such items as Critical Race Theory and what has been termed “WOKE influence.” “Woke” is an adjective derived from African American Vernacular English (AAVE), meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" Republicans have declared war on "woke capitalism” and even introduced legislation like the "Stop WOKE Act" in Florida, an acronym for Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees. This was a topic of interest to the crowd gathered. Also discussed and received strong criticism from the audience was the Kentucky Department of Education's utilization of the Genderbread Person, which is "A teaching tool for breaking the big concept of gender down into bite-sized, digestible pieces.” As yet another issue with no parental involvement in what is being taught to their children in school.

Many present expressed concerns over what is being taught in Kentucky's schools. Craft has stated in numerous speeches that have been misrepresented as "Dismantling the Kentucky Department of Education" She is proposing a restructuring and revision to the KDE. This is nothing new, as previous governors Matthew Bevin and even current governor Andy Beshear have all "dismantled," as the press calls it, the Kentucky Board of Education, so this is nothing groundbreaking or a form of wrongdoing as claimed by her opponents.
Craft was also very open about her personal issues and the long-time issue with the war on drugs and how it had influenced her family. While it was apparent that this was difficult for her to speak about, it greatly humanized her. In addition, it drew the support of many of those who had also experienced issues with family members suffering from Substance Abuse Disorder.
Craft focuses on Fentanyl and cites recent action by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who recently announced two major statewide initiatives to combat the growing national fentanyl crisis. She plans on being proactive as Kentucky's governor in curbing Fentanyl and supporting severe penalties for those who are caught trafficking this substance in Kentucky.
All in all, the event, in speaking with those in attendance Craft, did not come off as a Washington Elite as promoted by her opponents. Many commented that they were surprised that she was a very down-to-earth person, someone they could relate to, and someone who shared their values and concerns. This is always critical for anyone running for office, and it has served her well at this event.
Craft has led the field in fundraising totals among her fellow GOP candidates, according to campaign finance filings, but to clinch the nomination for the November General Elections, she'll have to clear the GOP primary, which will be held Tuesday, May 16, 2023
https://education.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx Kentucky Department of Education
https://tinyurl.com/49c8xj79 Gov. Bevin makes appointments to the Kentucky Board of Education
https://tinyurl.com/f6b8336h What is Gov. Matt Bevin doing with Kentucky's education boards?
https://tinyurl.com/2p949ebp Promise fulfilled: Beshear breaks up the Kentucky Board of Education on the first day as governor.
Florida’s WOKE Handout
Stop W.O.K.E Act (Florida) (2022)