There is no distinction between what men and women should do in the gym, according to the majority of coaches. There aren't any workouts labeled "man" or "woman," after all. No matter who performs them, a squat is a squat and a bench press is a bench press. Nothing changes. Yes, but it's not really that easy.
Women are physically weaker than men, to start. Indeed, there are times when a strong woman outperforms a weak male who trains or an unskilled man. Though most women aren't able to lift as much weight as most men, they can nevertheless train just as hard.
The issue is that most women are just not able to lift enough weight to achieve the same level of performance as males. Even though they may both be operating at their maximum capacity, a man and a woman cannot have the same metabolic reaction if a man can squat 250 pounds for 12 reps while a woman can hardly utilize the bar. Here are some pointers to help make up for this discrepancy in how a woman should train.
First tip: Cut the rest time short. Muscular endurance is typically higher in women than in males. If a guy and a woman were required to complete the identical exercise regimen, the woman would likely need to cut back on her rest period by 30 to 40 percent in order for the workout to have any effect on her.
Women can acquire strength with a shorter rest period than males since they recover from a maximal effort more faster.
Second tip: Work on more sets. Women have more time to execute more sets because they can employ shorter rest intervals in between sets. On the same kind of program, women can really perform nearly twice as many sets as males!
Employ moderate-to-high rep ranges (trick #3). For the majority of women, using percentages of 1RMs (repetition maximums) is ineffective. A woman is not certain to be able to perform a six-rep, 20-pound dumbbell press (or even a six-rep, 30 pound DB press). Beginning women may find a lower rep range uncomfortable and may not be able to complete.
Three tip: Employ moderate-to-high rep ranges (trick #3). For the majority of women, using percentages of 1RMs (repetition maximums) is ineffective. A woman is not certain to be able to perform a six-rep, 20-pound dumbbell press (or even a six-rep, 30 pound DB press). Women who are just starting out often find it difficult to perform even one rep in a lower rep range. Until they gain greater confidence, keep them in the moderate-to-high rep ranges.
Forth tip: Increase weight gradually and little by little. A lady can easily complete 15 reps of a DB press with 20 pounds. Give her 25 pounds on the next set, and she can hardly manage 5. This is why it's a good idea to increase the weight gradually; this way, neither her body nor her mind will be overburdened. It's far less frightening than five pounds if the rise is just one pound. The woman will most likely be able to perform the 25 pounds by the time she reaches her last set; it simply takes her a little longer to get there.
Fifth tip: Instead of doing splits, work out your entire body. Localized exhaustion is generally disliked by women, while total-body fatigue is preferred. Whole-body workouts are a terrific way to assist women reach their goals of fat loss, as most of them have this as their goal. An upper body/lower body divide is another option. The strength levels are so low that it is not advisable to undertake an arms/legs/torso split; most women would not benefit from an arms-only day.
Sixth Tip: Stay on the same program a little longer, especially if technique is an issue. The typical recommendation is to do a workout four to six times before changing, but with some women, it’s OK to stay on a program a little longer. Remember that you are increasing the weight a little more slowly than you would when training a man, so by the time the sixth workout rolls around, they are probably nowhere near their max.
Just remember, these tips are for women who have low strength levels or little weight training experience. In contrast, women who have an athletic background and above-average strength will excel on the same training protocols as men. By keeping these differences in mind, you're likely to experience greater compliance and results from female clientele.
Disclaimer: Before engaging in any exercise program, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with your individual health and fitness needs. The information provided in this program is for general guidance and should not substitute for personalized medical advice. Participants are encouraged to listen to their bodies, modify exercises as needed, and stop any activity that causes discomfort. The organizers and creators of this program are not liable for any injuries or health issues that may arise. By participating, individuals acknowledge their responsibility for their own well-being and assume the associated risks.
This article was written by Michael R. Grigsby, one of the news editors for LCTI, LLC. Michael is passionate about the outdoors, photography, strength sports, bodybuilding, and powerlifting, and he is dedicated to bringing you accurate and insightful news reports on a wide range of topics. He loves connecting with readers and is always happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions about this news article, please feel free to contact Michael or by leaving a comment below.